Saturday, January 15, 2011

What motivates you?

I keep telling Matt that I'm not motivated to work for money. I almost resent it -- if I get paid, that means I HAVE to do it. If I don't get paid, I feel more like I GET to do it because I WANT to. That's the logic running in the back of my head. Who knows, maybe it's flawed. So technically I have my semi-ideal job. Everything I do is volunteer -- be it running the biz while Matt's deployed, taking care of Joella (when she's not getting spoiled by grandparents), my new gig at World's Window (shop there, I triple dog dare you!), etc. I get paid nothing but I assure you, I do a lot of WORK!!! It's just not the typical 9-5 (or 8 or whatever time you go in) job but that's a discussion for another post (no offense 9-5ers. I love you all. I especially love hearing about those of you who love your jobs which thankfully a lot of you that I know do)!

My mom passed this link onto me. I think it puts some words/visuals to the random thoughts floating in my head. Check it out. Sorry it's long. (I think anything over 3 or 4 minutes is long. It's 10-ish). At least try to stick it out until the "fricken innovation bonus" line. That part made me laugh out loud to myself.

The surprising truth about what motivates us

So? Thoughts? Are you working your ideal job? If not, what would it be? My ideal-ideal job would be finding/creating people's ideal jobs -- all that make this world a better place. Kind of like a little piece of Heaven on earth. Reminds me a little of "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." Sound familiar? :)

p.s. B&K and/or Calais -- sorry if I'm repeating something you've already posted. I know you tend to love these kinds of videos...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

frig, the more the merrier! we all post those things so the word gets around! :) they're so great! and sharing ideas might be even greater!


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