Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2 Kiddos

Yep, it's been awhile. We love having two kiddos. We've been putting time into those little ones instead of online! here are a few pics. It's hard to get a good one of both of them! I have a new found respect for those special photographer friends of mine :)

Brand new!
 My mom was LOTS of help when Asher came.

About a month-ish. Joella's great with him.


Pretty cute, don't you think? Love them!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Family Day!!!

Just as we've been blessed with another little one, we are ecstatic to celebrate Jay and Kels being blessed with three little ones today in Russia.

From the newest addition of our family to yours, HAPPY FAMILY DAY!!! We are so excited for you and can't wait to see and hear more about all your family adventures to come :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

He's here!

Asher David was born yesterday. We did a home birth this time around and it was such an amazing experience for us! We're both healthy and doing great. He came out at 7 lbs, 8 oz and was 20" long.

We don't have too many photos yet, but here are a couple.

And Leah said, "Happy am I! For women have called me happy." So she called his name Asher.
                                                      -Genesis 30:13

Sunday, June 17, 2012

We Grew

No - we didn't forget how to blog! It's just slipped on the priority list a bit... A few pics:

Joella is always with her dog -- she's pretty much in charge of Kaeda these days - feeds her, gets her in and out of "her room" (aka cage), lets her inside / outside, gives her treats, and practices having her lay down, stay, come, go to her room, takes her for "walks" around the yard, etc. I'm impressed that the dog actually listens to her a lot of the time :) If she doesn't do it on her own, Joella just makes her do it anyway.

Needless to say it's been a bit hot here... the pool does wonders :)

Next up is Joella enjoying her mini bread loaves she helped make. 

And we grew... We haven't been nearly as faithful with the "belly" shots this time around. The first is 31 weeks along and the second close to 37-ish. Matt was out in the field and/or "on duty" at work (kind of like a fireman where he had to sleep there but we could visit) pretty much the whole time in between. He was back for some of the weekends but we were starting to get a taste of the "deployment" feel again there for a bit. We're sure glad to have him around more now!

Now we're just finishing up a few things around the house / car projects before our little guy makes his way out. I think I'll be more patient this time around though since Joella went 42+ weeks :) I'm about 39 weeks along now, so we'll see!

Friday, April 13, 2012


This was our Easter cowgirl... :)

That's our backyard - it looks more lush than it actually is but the roses are really pretty right now.

That's all for now!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hodge Podge Zoo Belly

No real theme to this post... just some snapshots of what's been going on here the last month or so.
Trip to the zoo. She loved it, especially the spider monkeys :)

Joella with her new little weights. Look closely and you'll see our latest experiment with her two fingers. Trying to stop what we started two years ago by way of her sucking them. Should be interesting...

"Doing exercises." Not sure where she learned this one...

Getting ready to be a big sis.

Approx. 23 weeks along here. Hopefully this "photo session" doesn't make Joella think she gets to stand on the fireplace whenever she wants :)

Baby boy, watch out for that feisty little girl! He goes by name these days although Joella can't pronounce it correctly yet. She likes to talk to and pray for him and have him "talk back." She also likes to share food with him. We'll see if that lasts!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hangin' with Daddy

Not much new here really. Matt's still been working some long hours so Joella's especially excited to have him around more on the weekends.

Matt started flying fixed wing recently. He did his first solo a couple of weeks ago so that's kind of neat that technically he can fly helicopters and airplanes :) He still has quite a few instruction hours left to get to a point where he could fly our family anywhere, but it's still fun to think about! Joella loves pointing out any airplane or helicopter that we see and talking about daddy...

No major baby news -- it's definitely moving around in there. We're excited to find out boy/girl in a couple of weeks. If it's a girl, our house is going to have a LOT of drama, but if it's a boy -- well, we don't really know what to do with a boy yet. Either way, we're excited.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Baby Moses

Grandpa and "Debbie Debbie" (aka Grandma Debbie) came to El Paso just after Christmas. They came to visit all of us, but mostly to hang out with Joella while Matt and I went to a conference in Colorado. I don't think she missed us much... sounds like they had a lot of fun.Joella LOVES reading her Bible. If she's bored, she'll most likely grab that and flip through until she finds her favorites. Samuel, the ouwie guy (could mean Goliath or the guy that the good Samaritan stops to help), Jesus on the cross or up up high in heaven, Noah, or a recent favorite, baby Moses.

For a while ALL she would talk about was baby Moses and she especially likes to get wrapped up like him or wrap a baby up like him. I guess it made her day when the monkey at the zoo looked like baby Moses too...

From the picture, you can tell that Joella's going to need some practice with that swaddling and holding before the next little baby joins our family. Yep - if you haven't heard, we're expecting this summer. Our best guess is early July (considering Joella went 42+ weeks). And no - its name most likely won't be Moses :)

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