Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Recycling in CF

Ok, so those of you that I have seen lately might laugh at this post...

I kid you not - curbside recycling in Cedar Falls EXISTS! The funny part (to me at least) it is how I found out about it.

You already know that I love Fox River Socks. Well, a couple months ago I went to the annual fundraisers held by one of the local schools here. They sell lots of great socks at discounted prices. Don't quote me, but I think it's the "defects" or socks that don't quite pass quality control. Maybe there are others too. If you know, feel free to educate me/us.

Anyway, I went to the fundraiser and ran into an old high school friend (it's been so fun being back in CF catching up with people I haven't seen since moving away for Army life). Meanwhile my mom and Leslie were shopping, probably waiting on me. There were some other tables / displays there too with a joint raffle.

Thanks to my mom / Leslie, I unknowingly got signed up for the raffle and ended up winning a tiny little Scentsy travel tin. Don't get me wrong. I have a few Scentsy wickless candles and LOVE them. Thing is, it didn't seem nearly worth the 3-4 calls that the lady at the office had to make to finally get me in to collect my prize... I just hadn't made it a priority to drive out in the cold / get Joella bundled up, park, and make it there. Plus, I hate not knowing where I'm going and I didn't in this case. Go figure, right? I've lived here most of my life and still don't know how to get around town...

So long story longer, I finally got myself there and who was in the hallway? The guy that is just starting up a curbside recycling business here in CF. I could help myself when I overheard him talking about it and butted into the conversation.

There's no website yet, but it will be as simple as putting all recyclables into a container on your local garbage collection day. He does the rest. More details, pricing, etc. to follow sometime in the near future I hope (I really don't know much more than that!)

So, good thing I procrastinated, right? :) Oh, and I would NOT recommend "Simply Irresistible" as a Scentsy Scent. This darn travel tin is sitting right next to me and I can't stand it! Every time I get a whiff it makes me want to toss it in the nearest trash can, errr recycling bin.


Amber said...

Bummer that he beat you to it! I'm sure that your bin will be the cleanest and most organized in town. :)

Kelsey said...

Yahoo!!! Curbside recycling. Maybe you guys can be partners in the business? :)

Val said...

Waterloo's recycling program is one of the very few things I like about living here :) We pay $3/month and they pick up recycle once a month. They also pick up yard waste once a month during non winter months. At the start of spring and end of fall they also pick up yard waste every week. It's a great program. We don't have to sort. It goes to the recycling center where people that need to build job skills sort through it.

Anonymous said...

tooo funny. wanna know how I found out about CF home-pick-up recycling? grant (the guy you're talking about) messaged me to tell me to tell my dad. wanna know how i met grant? one of the three times i've been out in CF was halloween 08 and he was outside the bar when my sister, my friend and i left. somehow we got on a conversation about the grilled cheeses we'd be making when we got home....and...yes...he and his came to my house for grilled cheeses at 2am. now, whether he knew that's really all he was getting or not? who knows...but regardless, those were some great grilled cheeses and how else would i have known about CF's curbcyclers?? ;) oh and there IS a website:

Johnni said...

Well if any of you are still looking at this post, there are actually 3 (at least) recycling companies in CF. There are signs throughout the city, some plastered on top of others. Kind of like a race to get the word out... I think I'm going to have to look into this some more. In the meantime, I guess I'll keep taking my own and keep saving lots of things :) I still correct my mom when she calls it garbage. It's not garbage -- jackpot, there's some good stuff in there!


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