Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mini Updates

We're learning that Alabama weather changes quickly. Yesterday there were tornado watches, and today it snowed. It didn't stick, but it was really coming down - that's a first for us since being here.

Matt moved a tree yesterday -- it was blocking one of the roads on post after the wind/rain, and he and another guy moved it aside. I reminded Matt that it wasn't his first time moving a tree -- Ross/Amber, you remember our camping adventure, right? :)

My excitement for the day was finding out that Chaz passed obedience class. I was surprised -- he has consistently been the trouble-maker of the class. He barks / whines nervously, and is the only "student" that gets told to be quiet by our instructor. I'd never been in those shoes before, and it was kind of enlightening. I think deep down teachers kind of like the trouble-makers, right?

Matt and I are reading The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne as a part of our small group. We've only read the first 3 chapters, but it's pretty good so far -- talks about what it would look like to really love like Jesus. We've been reading it on the way to and from church since it's a half hour drive. Matt also likes to read it before he goes to sleep -- one of the only things that gets him to stop thinking about chapters 5 & 9 from the TH-67 Operator's Supplement. That, and it helps him stop spinning and feeling like he's still flying.

I'm surprised that I haven't learned my EP's (Emergency Procedures) and Limits by now. I quiz Matt a lot, so I'm glad it's sticking for one of us! Friday he told me he found the "hover" button on the helicopter (there is no button -- that's what the pilot's for...). Sounds like he is learning fast and loving it!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Oh, the tree!! How could I forget? I'm pretty sure that we got roped into helping before that task was over! As far as the trouble makers go...yes, they always have a special place in a teacher's heart and are often the cause of sleepless nights! Can't wait to see you guys soon. Make the snow go away!


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