Thursday, June 30, 2011

He's Home!

Home as in - he's with us again! Matt traveled 26 hours or so on his way back. The update that made me laugh was his e-mail saying that he was finally out of the "stan" countries (he spent a LONG time in Kyrgyzstan after leaving Afghanistan). His flight got pushed out a day so we were here a little earlier than needed. It was nice to have all the packing and driving out of the way though so no bid deal. Bad news is that he already has to go back into work tomorrow. Weird, I know - right! Oh well. That's how it goes around here! Good thing for a long weekend :)

Below are a few shots from yesterday. There were about 150 soldiers returning and LOTS of little kids. The part that hit me was how many parents had to be away from their kids for the entire year. Bummer! The ceremony was short and sweet though and I'm glad we got to be there for it. If you can't tell, it's HOT...!

Right now we're hanging out hotel style and won't be settled for another couple of months at least. We're in the Ft. Hood / Killeen area in between some travel plans and our next move to Ft. Bliss / El Paso. Details details. What's important is that Matt's here!


Amber said...

1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Such a LONG time coming!
2. Joey looks so comfy with her proud daddy.
3. Matt, Johnni's been blogging about natural should maybe take a peek. :)Your teeth are almost glowing...
4. Crazy to see Matt NOT in a uniform!
5. I cried seeing you all together again! :) :) Love it.

b+k said...

1. Ditto everything Amber said :)

HOORAY! So glad to see you back with your girls Matt!

Matt and Lauren said...

I admit...tears came to my eyes too! So happy that your family is back together again...praise God! :)

Ashley Schrage said...

YAY! looks like such a great homecoming. Thanks for the update... i was impatiently waiting. SO so so glad to see Matt home safe. I hope you are having a great time being a family of 3 again.

Manfulls said...

Welcome home Matt!!!!!! I love all the pictures! So happy for all of you to be together again :)

Jane Schaefer said...

So glad you are home safely, Matt! What a big relief for Johnni and your parents, and everyone who cares about you!!! Happy 4th of July.......proud to be an American!

Amy said...


Deb said...

Looking at the blog and photos... with tears of joy for you!!
A special and happy 4th of July to you!!!

Matt said...

Thanks everyone -- it really is great to be back. What a couple of beautiful girls I had waiting for me! I'm so thankful for the support from them and all of you. Some comments:

1. YAY is about how I would describe getting home.
2. Joey has been really comfortable around me. It's probably because Johnni did a great job showing her pictures and talking about me while I was gone.
3. I DO wear sunscreen...but weeks and weeks of sun turned my face and neck tan. The rest of me not so much.
4. Crazy to BE in anything other than a uniform...and so nice.
5. I did not cry to get home, I did cry when I left both times (last summer and from R&R). So thankful to be together again.
6. It's great to get to swim again.
7. It's even better to get to shower without wearing sandals.
8. My favorite thing is that I get time OFF with my two girls. Nights/weekends are so much fun.

Hope to see you all soon!


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