Saturday, June 11, 2011

Countdown Begins

Well the countdown begins... or does it? Matt gets back (to Texas) in roughly two weeks but we don't have a definite date, so we can't actually count down :) We will be transitioning a lot over the rest of the summer. Two moves within a couple months and a LOT of driving... Blogging might take a back burner for now, but check back to see what we're up to. We have had a good year but can't wait to be our little family again!

This is really old, but I just found a picture of one of the few times we got to Skype with Matt. Christmas day and he had to go outside to use internet. You can tell it's freezing by the hat, and I remember seeing his breath the hold time. Poor guy!
My mom told me that today Joella saw a guy in ACU's in the grocery store and said "dada." I'll give her some credit though because I get confused myself sometimes. I have a hard time picking Matt out when I see a group of soldiers in their uniforms too, especially from a distance. Looking forward to having that "problem" soon!

In the meantime, some of Joella's favorite ways to help in the kitchen these days...

Pinching the skins off almonds

The newest favorite - washing dishes. She LOVES it.


Deb said...

I hear we might get to see you this summer!!! That would be awesome!

GeonHui's Bakery said...

So sweet!
Hope you are all together soon!


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