A few important things happened before we took off from Ft. Rucker, Alabama - they deserve their own posts, but this will have to do... Our good friends Ben & Chelsa came to visit (if you scroll down, you can see one of the pictures of the daddies and girls). We got to meet little Aubrey for the first time. It was so great to see them, and we were so glad they decided to make the long drive down! Chelsa & I were due the same day, so it has been awesome to swap pregnancy stories and even more fun now to catch up on how the little ones are developing.
Joella had a very special day the day after Matt's graduation. We had her Baby Dedication at church. It was our opportunity to commit to raising her to know Jesus and have the church pray over her and her future. Since it was our last Sunday there, it was kind of a send off for the whole family. We got a couple pictures that day - it was a very personal and touching dedication.
Matt's family came down to help us pack / load. You may remember seeing pictures from Matt's graduation. We all had a late night and an early morning before we checked out of our place. We didn't get to say goodbye to everyone that we should have - we will miss all the great people we met there!
Finding a place to live here at Ft. Hood didn't turn out to be as easy as we expected. Rentals move FAST here. By the time we would find a few properties we liked and call / check on them, they would no longer be available. The first time Matt tried to submit an application, the guy next to him in line was already applying for the very same property. The house we moved into was tricky too. It was actually already applied for, but I guess the first application fell through. We had been calling all morning to check on the status. We rushed to get an application in -- at the same time the person behind Matt in line was also there to submit for it and at least 2 other people called about it while he was in the office. Things aren't quite the same as in Iowa -- we are used to property management companies / landlords meeting us at the property and returning phone calls. Here, they just hand out keys for you to look on your own and have you keep calling them if you want to know something. Scheduling appointments to look at places is rare too. Regardless, we finally found a place that works perfectly for us!
Not for long! We weren't thinking all that clearly and Monday morning went out and bought a LOT of groceries only to find out that the power AND water were out when we got home. Our first clue was that the garage door didn't open... Matt got some ice to salvage most of our food. We only had to go about 30 minutes without water but about a day and a half without power. I actually had fun with it -- kind of like camping inside. Matt made good use of his head lamp :) You can't tell that it was dark in this picture but it was.
Stay tuned for Catch Up Part 2: Settling into Texas (more pictures!!!)
1 comment:
thanks for the catchup! it's great to hear what's going on. Your backyard looks fenced in! that will be awesome with the pups :)
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