Look closely - do you notice a difference? Can you find the new aviator wings? Matt's parents and brother made the long drive down to help celebrate his graduation from flight school.
Joella got a little sleepy, so Steve helped take care of her during part of the ceremony while all the flight school graduates' names were being announced. She didn't have to wait very long to see her daddy get his wings because his name was called 1st. Surprise - surprise... Matt was #1 in his graduating class. I was a little surprised yesterday when Matt told me but at the same time I wasn't because flying seems to come so naturally to him. He was actually a bit uneasy about it because he doesn't like having the spotlight on him if he can help it. I figured this is our blog, so I'm going to be the proud wife I am and spotlight him :)
WOW, I guess you have bragging rights!! Congratulations Matt, on your shining career... I expect this is just the beginning, so get used to it!
I love checking out your blog, getting updated and of course, seeing beautiful Joella ❥
Congratulaions Matt!!!
Johnni, you are SO gorgeous. Your bangs look ridiculously cute. And Joella looks so proud :)
love these photos!
Congratulations Matt & Johnni!
Matt, we're so proud of you, and amazed at your accomplishment! So fantastic.
Johhni, you've been such an awesome supporter of Matt, and it's been great to watch! Thanks for keeping those of us far away involved in life in Alabama.
Joella looks GREAT! You guys got some very fun photos.
Again, CONGRATS matt.
Okay, seriously... just teared up over your post. :) I am so proud of you two and the amazing life that you've created for your growing family so far away from home. Matt, your hard work and dedication have definitely paid off! Johnni, you are an amazing Army wife!
Congrats Matt!!!!
Joe, Les, & Conor
Way to go Matt and Johnni and Joella! :) That is an acomplishment to be very proud of! I enjoy reading your posts.
P.S. How's cloth diapering going Johnni? We just braved the overnight diaper last night and it worked! :) Ask Amber - I was very excited to try.
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