Last week I went to my mom's 6 week appointment with her. I was quite the hit with this outfit Grandma Deb made for me. She made it while she was waiting for me to make my appearance to the world. I'm told she had a little extra time on her hands...
Brrr... it was 46 degrees the other day. I don't know what I'm going to do when we move away from Alabama!
Mom and Dad play "Pull it" when I'm tired and they're trying to get a picture of me... (I like my pacifier!)
Nice êyê
3 years ago
What a beautiful sweater!! Joella is such a ham!
i LOVE LOVE that sweater (and the beauty inside it of course). ;) your mother is so talented. my new goal is to someday be as good as she is at knitting.
Oh hello, you cute little face! I cannot wait to meet you SOON! Also, Grandma Deb needs to go into business. She's too good. Do those sweaters come in adult sizes? :)
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