Since moving down here, Matt & I have really learned to appreciate good friends, both old and new. We have been blessed down here with people that we have gotten to know quickly and have treated us well being so far away from family. We have also come to appreciate our good friends back home that have been a big part of our lives -- we miss hanging out with them on a regular basis! (Given, I don't have as much room to talk as Matt since I've made so many trips back to Iowa since being here...)
Anyways, this is a post to celebrate Amber's Birthday! She has been a great friend since college. We have been through a lot together over the years even though we never really lived in the same city. It started out by her "visiting" me at Iowa State when really she just wanted to hang out with Matt's roommate, Ross (now her husband). I don't mind though because we got to know each other pretty fast and became really good friends. That was the beginning of a lot of laughs to come. I dragged Amber to a summer of working at an outdoor Bible camp for kids where we quickly learned she is not the most outdoorsy person :) We had a blast though. We have been through lots of double dates and weddings together, including our own of course!
Another thing I convinced Amber to do was sign up for the San Francisco Marathon last summer. It didn't take long and she went from running 20 minutes tops, to 7 miles no problem. In even less time, she became our pace-setter (I could rarely keep up w/ her).
Now, I can't take credit for dragging Amber into the life of pregnancy, but it has been fun going through it together!
We thought we were "huge" back then... Ha! Can you even tell we were pregnant? Anyways, I'm looking forward to a lot more laughs with this girl in the years to come.
Happy Birthday, Amber!
happy birthday amber! :)
although I feel like i should be writing your birthday wish somewhere else than matt and johnni's blog :)
Awwww, thanks, Johnni!!! You're the best. Yes, I was definitely misled. I thought little Miss Slykhuis and I were going to get to share our birthdays!! There's still time... ;)I can't wait to see you guys at Christmas!!
I was TOTALLY misled! Can't wait to hear your news! :)
This has nothing to do with birthdays... other than THE Birth Day! of your new little munchkin. How excited you must be, maybe you have met your addition by now??
Wishing you all the best as you 'labor & deliver'.
SO looking forward to pics of your new family!
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