No real theme to this post... just some snapshots of what's been going on here the last month or so.

Trip to the zoo. She loved it, especially the spider monkeys :)

Joella with her new little weights. Look closely and you'll see our latest experiment with her two fingers. Trying to stop what we started two years ago by way of her sucking them. Should be interesting...

"Doing exercises." Not sure where she learned this one...

Getting ready to be a big sis.
Approx. 23 weeks along here. Hopefully this "photo session" doesn't make Joella think she gets to stand on the fireplace whenever she wants :)

Baby boy, watch out for that feisty little girl! He goes by name these days although Joella can't pronounce it correctly yet. She likes to talk to and pray for him and have him "talk back." She also likes to share food with him. We'll see if that lasts!