Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can you find the dimple?

So if you haven't noticed, I've gotten a bit lazy with this blog. I neglect it for awhile, take lots of pictures of Joella all at once, then can't decide which ones to post. So here's what you get! The animal crackers were to send to Daddy. We both used to eat them growing up, so it's a fun surprise for him when they show up in his boxes. Whoops, I might have just ruined the surprise since I don't think Matt's gotten his latest box yet. Oh well - he says the anticipation of knowing they're on the way is half the fun :)

Joella loves toting things like this around.
The next round shows what Joella looks like when she doesn't quite get her way... silly girl.

The next series is a typical day in the backyard. Can you find the little girl in all that coat? Can you find her dimple?

Ah, there
it is!!!


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