Monday, September 27, 2010


Sometimes Matt and I joke that we probably aren't making the ISU college of engineering very proud since we aren't technically using our degrees right now. If we don't make ISU proud, Joella will do her part in the shots below... Sorry if these all look the same to you. Joella's expressions make me laugh so I had a tough time picking out just a few to share.

Lately I've been wondering if Joella's going to be a little tomboy or a girlie girl. I think maybe both. She loves kicking (shhh. she's getting a soccer ball for her birthday from this cool company. ) and is really good at her mini basketball game she plays with Grandpa Jerry. On the other hand, she LOVES purses and seems really good at getting her mouth ready for Grandma Deb to put lipstick (a.k.a. the end of the closed chap stick container) on her. Joella is always toting my purse around and even has her own mini purse now. It's just big enough to fit an extra sock in it. Never know when you'll need an extra sock!

Update on Matt -- his internet has been spotty lately so don't be disheartened if you e-mail him and don't hear much back. He loves the e-mails, letters, packages, etc., so keep them coming! Maybe some day he'll be able to post more for you. He has been on a handful of missions now, and they sound pretty intense. He loves the flying but obviously doesn't love the reason the Medevac mission is needed... Sounds like he's staying busy and doing a great job flying.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

She's a Toddler

She likes to put her feet under the tray like that...

She doesn't usually give a thumbs up - not sure what's going on there

Really excited to be able to play standing up

Taking things seriously - no clue what she's staring down. There's nobody over there

Kickin' it (not prompted)

Having fun but starting to lose control


Up and at it again


Showing off her teeth

Typical Joella shot with the fingers in her mouth. Getting sleepy... oh, and can you see all the bite marks on her crib? Little stinker.... :)

Short post today -- mostly pictures so Matt could see them the fastest. Usually I send him DVD's full of videos and pictures that take a little over a week to get to him. Joella changes so much in a week that it's just not fast enough! I'd say she's officially walking now. Not much crawling these days. Lots of falling of course but that doesn't seem to bother her much. I can't believe how old she seems now that she can really get around. It's crazy!

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